

Applications for 2026 open on Tuesday 11 March 2025 for grade 8 and on Monday 4 August for grade 10-12.

Please note the dates and deadlines for applications below and choose the relevant section - please follow the application instructions carefully.

For more information about admissions and scholarships at Rustenburg, email



11 March 

Admissions OPEN - Grade 8

WCED Admissions Portal

15 April 

Admissions CLOSE - Grade 8

16 April onwards

Late Applications:

Applications received after 15 April 2024 will be considered a “Late Application”.  Late Applications will only be processed after all applications received on time have been actioned and only if there are still places available.

30 May 

Outcome of admissions application

Available to view on WCED Admissions Portal

30 May - 17 June 

Parent Confirm acceptance

WCED Admissions Portal

30 May

Should your application be unsuccessful at this stage:  Parents indicate to the school if they wish to be placed on the waiting list.

Provide an email with amotivation and the latest report.

18 June 

Waiting List acceptance

WCED Admissions Portal

18 June - 31 July 

Parents confirm (waiting list) places

WCED Admissions Portal

12 December 

Waiting list closes.  

Learners still on the waiting list at this date should consider their application unsuccessful and make a new application (in 2026 for 2027).



3 February 

Music Scholarships OPEN - Grade 8

RGHS Music Scholarship Form

21 February 

Music Scholarships CLOSE - Grade 8

7 March (13:00 - 18:00)

Auditions (13:00 - 18:00)

RGHS Music Department to contact parents.


ADMISSIONS - GRADES 9, 10, 11 AND 12 (2025)

4 August

Admissions OPEN - Grades 9, 10,11 and 12

WCED Admissions Portal


5 September

Admissions CLOSE - Grade 9, 10, 11 and 12

6 September onwards

Late Applications:

Applications received after 5 September 2025 will be considered a “Late Application”.  Late Applications will only be processed AFTER all applications received on time have been actioned AND only if there are still places available.

17 September

Outcome of admissions application

Letter will be sent via email

17 – 30 September

Parent Confirm acceptance

WCED Admissions Portal

17 September

Should your application be unsuccessful at this stage: Parents indicate to the school if they wish to be placed on the waiting list.

Provide an email with a motivation the learners latest report.

1 – 13 October

Parents confirm (waiting list) places

WCED Admissions Portal

12 December

Waiting list closes.
Learners still on the waiting list at this date should consider their application unsuccessful and make a new application (in 2026 for 2027).