Contact Us
Campground Road, Rondebosch, 7700 Cape Town, South Africa Telephone: +27 (0) 21 686 4066 / 686 4070 / 686 3683Fax: +27 (0) 21 6867114
E-mail: info@rghs.org.za
GPS location: 33°57’25.06″S, 18°28’46.68″E
Opening hours: 8:00 – 16:00
Our Location
General Contacts
Reception/Front Office: reception@rghs.org.za
Principal: principal@rghs.org.za
Bursars’ Office: finance@rghs.org.za
Admissions: admissions@rghs.org.za
Operations, Venue hire, Parent Portal: info@rghs.org.za
Website, Marketing, Advertising, Events, Fundraising: marketing@rghs.org.za
School Governing Body: sgb@rghs.org.za
Sports Office: sports@rghs.org.za
Student Development Unit: norvalp@rghs.org.za
Bugs’ Boutique (School Shop): shop@rghs.org.za
Please contact Form Tutors regarding absence from school. Please direct subject-related queries to Subject Heads.
To contact any teacher, please log in to the Parent Portal.
Click on View details on the Homepage. Under Pupil Subjects and Teachers, select the Form Teacher and Send Notice.